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PargingParging Repairs

Does Your Parging Need Repair or Replacement?

By May 31, 2016April 14th, 2017No Comments

There’s no arguing that parging looks great and adds a finishing touch to any home, but it also offers some really practical value, like protecting the foundation of your Edmonton home from the harmful effects of snow, ice, and rain. That’s why, if your parging has started to show flakes, cracks, or other signs of wear, the time to take action is now.

But how do you know if your parging needs to be replaced, or if a simple repair job will do the trick? Here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding whether to have your parging repaired or replaced.

Reasons to Consider Parging Repair

First, know that a parging repair may not offer the kind of cost savings you’re expecting. The company is still bringing a crew, preparing the surface, chipping away areas of damage surfaces, and blending in the new parge coat in an effort to match whatever remains of the old parging.

Edmonton Parging Company: Repair or Replace PargingHaving said that, we can assess the current state of your parging to see if a little TLC will help get you through at least a few more seasons. We’ll look for things like how well the remaining parging is holding up and whether or not it’s a high-quality job that will withstand the test of time if any cracks in the finish are repaired.

When Parging Replacement is a Must

Another thing we’ll be keeping an eye out for when we come to assess the condition of your existing parging is the size and shape of any cracks because this might tip us off to the source of the problem. If it looks like the parge coat is pulling away from the foundation altogether, it’s a sign that the existing application was not done properly, and replacement is the only sound option.

Contact us to book your no-obligation consultation now!

There are many companies that claim they’ll be able to do a quick repair that will work for your parging needs. It’s important to understand that a lot of these companies won’t be around next year when the temporary patch they have applied crumbles and cracks, leaving your foundation vulnerable as water seeps behind damaged areas while intact areas hold it right up against the house.

Ask yourself this question: If you have to pay someone for another repair or replacement job next year, are you really saving any money? Take the time to hire parging experts who stand behind their work and get it done right the first time!

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