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Home Improvement

Lighter Side of Home Improvement

By November 10, 2015April 30th, 2024No Comments

J and J Coatings Parging Experts - Lighter Side of Home ImprovementPeople generally think taking care of things around the house is really serious business. It’s mostly true; we know we take our parging work in Edmonton, Alberta and the surrounding area very seriously. But in the course of our careers, we’ve also come across some pretty funny stuff relating to home improvement. Because let’s face it, sometimes if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry.

If you’re in the midst of a renovation project and feeling like you have had it up to here, take a break and laugh at the lighter side of home improvement with some of the funniest home repair blogs out there.

The Ugly Duckling House

The balance between entertaining and informative is hard to get just right in the blogging world, but Sarah from The Ugly Duckling House has it nailed down perfectly. Sarah is learning as she goes, doing most of her own renovations on her house, and the results are often hilarious. But it’s not all laughs, the specific, detailed blog posts also impart some wisdom for your own home improvement projects too.

Build Direct: Life at Home

Most of the Build Direct blog is geared to the serious pursuit of getting the right materials for a home repair. However, their Home Improvement Disasters series is full of hilarious firsthand accounts and videos of DIY home repairs gone terribly, terribly wrong. It’s very relatable, because most of us could see ourselves in these uncomfortable shoes.

Hilarious Home Improvement Fails

Every so often, there is a home improvement fail so spectacular, it ends up going viral. For those of us who have more important things to do all day than surfing the web, like working or going to school or taking care of children, we’re lucky to have sites like BuzzFeed to capture it all for our enjoyment later. Like their post on the 21 Design Fails That Will Make You Feel Better About Your Own Home of all time. We’re still laughing at #6 and #16.

There I Fixed It!

Do not try these at home! Seriously, none of these home repair hacks is a good idea. But the photos submitted to There I Fixed It range from hilarious to downright terrifying. Like this attempt at DIY air conditioner repair. Are the people making these homely home repairs misunderstood geniuses or perfectly understood idiots? Only time will tell!

Home improvement can’t be all laughs all the time, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. We have a lively group of fans and followers staying tuned for our top home maintenance tips and the latest news from J and J Coatings on Twitter and Facebook. Come and join in the fun!

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